• Every building is a shoddily built hazardous death trap prone to collapsing at any moment

  • Food and consumer products are full of toxic chemicals because no one cares

  • Slavelike working conditions, insane working hours, suicide nets at factories

  • Every citizen is spied on constantly, one wrong thought means they will be dragged off in the middle of the night by the secret police

  • Arbitrary and nonsensical censorship of the media, to quote Mike from RLM on why Ghostbusters 2016 wasn’t available in China “Your Communist government thinks the movie is witchcraft”

  • LGBT people oppressed

  • No regard for the environment, pollution everywhere, pristine nature destroyed to build empty ghost cities for no reason

  • A dystopian inhumane culture where everyone hates each other and has no regard for human life. There were so many Reddit stories about how in China drivers double back to kill pedestrians they hit so they won’t be held criminally liable or because people faking accidents for lawsuits is so common. Also people step over people having medical emergencies on the street for the same reasons

  • Racist and jingoistic

  • ghostOfRoux();
    1 year ago

    Looking at the bigger picture I hate realizing this sort of thing sometimes.

    China gets mocked for suicide nets(and like no one even questioned if it was real or not) but the US legit has workplace shootings that often end up with suicide.

    I’m still mad about how ridiculous the “communism is bread lines” train of thought is because we have food banks, soup kitchens and church food based outreach in our great United States of America. If food insecurity is a symptom of a failed state well guess the fuck what? And that’s not even covering the fact that Russia has breadlines during and after the transition to capitalism after the USSR was desolved. So again it was a direct result of how bad capitalism is at food security.