• Black AOC
    9 months ago

    I’m not going to outright say ‘contrition’, but there should be more of a mind for shutting one’s mouth when one’s out of their depth, and actually investigating the material conditions of their given country, or whoever they choose to slander that day without the propaganda-poisoned chauvinism they’ve been taught all their lives. Literally the only reason white supremacy still perpetuates is because it’s baked into the system of American democracy in a way that a million band-aids couldn’t plaster over, and damned near every aspect of our media reinforces that.

    There should be a mind toward unlearning that which was deliberately mistaught by one’s betters, when informed that one’s tutelage was wrong. Not this double-down, crocodile tear, ‘well fuck me for being a whitey’ type bullshit they typically go for, or the Vaush response(which is to slander one’s opponent as a genocide enthusiast for getting pushed back on; no, I’m not over the Professor Flowers debacle) either.