September 21 is the anniversary of the passing of The Lodge–Fish Resolution in 1922, which endorsed carving up Palestine in order to create the state of Israel. Although the state of Israel wouldn’t be created for a couple more decades, the seeds were sown.

After the end of the first World War, the Ottoman Empire was carved up, creating the modern map of the middle east. Palestine remained under British rule, and they made The Balfour Declaration, which promised “A Jewish National Home in Palestine”. The Lodge-Fish Resolution announced official US support of the plan.

The following decades would see a massive influx of Jewish settlers in Palestine. Eventually, this would result in the forced relocation of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, and the creation of Israel.

Of course we all know what happened next. Israel and the Arab world have known nothing but conflict ever since. The US continues propping up the state of Israel to this day, amid a forever war of people fighting to reclaim their homes. As you would expect of a nation that coined the term “Manifest Destiny”.