September 18th is the anniversary of The Haiti Intervention in 1994. In the words of the US state department:

Unburdened by the Cold War international framework that structured U.S. foreign policy for nearly fifty years, the Clinton administration sought to outline new objectives for U.S. foreign policy, including novel uses for military power.

What this meant of course is that they were now free to invade countries to get what they wanted. In this case, they wanted to select new leadership for Haiti. The previous president had been deposed in a coup (which may well have had CIA Involvement). The new military leader also ran afoul of the US regime, and they were openly planning a full scale invasion of Haiti to remove him. One day before the invasion was set to begin, General Cédras capitulated peacfully. Over 300 Haitians were still killed by the occupying marines.

This is echoed on September 18th of 2014. On that day, the new President Poroshenko was met with applause. He came to the US to request funding to put down resistance to his successful coup in Ukraine. The US was more than happy to provide $46m to well known Neo Nazi Militia fighters.

It should be noted that the CIA was established on (you guessed it), September 18, 1947. Not even a year later, it was already actively meddling in Ukraine’s domestic affairs by funding nazi collaborators. And has not stopped to this day.