This should be illegal, companies should be forced to open-source games (or at least provide the code to people who bought it) if they decide to discontinue it, so people can preserve it on their own.

    10 months ago

    Is this new, or has it always been around and simply hidden by a survivorship bias?

    It could also be that things launch and fail faster due to technology. Things can be brought to market more quickly, feedback loops are faster and more efficient, so the “fail fast” mantra is easier than ever to pull off.

    With software products it’s also fairly easy to throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks. The barrier to create this stuff is just time, and the cost to scrap it is basically nothing. It’s not like a physical product where a lot of money is invested in tooling for manufacturing, or raw materials needed to feed into the supply chain.

    This comment is a little all over the place. I guess there are a lot of lenses to see this through.