September 16 is the anniversary of The Nisour Square Massacre in 2007. Fittingly enough, this date is also the anniversary of the day that Iraq agreed to an unconditional return of UN weapon inspectors in 2002, in an attempt to avert this illegal war. This day in 2007 saw US military contractor Blackwater gun down 17 Iraqi civilians, and wounded another 20.

A car didn’t slow quick enough when approaching their convoy. They shot the driver, the car, and everyone standing nearby, including a 9 year old boy. The sniper who fired the first shot was later quoted as saying it was “payback for 9/11”.

The state department did their best to cover up the whole thing. They destroyed evidence, they promised immunity, and attempted to whitewash the massacre as an ambush. Iraq attempted to charge the men, but of course the US didn’t allow that either. But the evidence was out, and the murders picked up too much attention to be swept under the rug.

Charges were brought against the men by the justice department in 2008. In 2009, the charges were abruptly dismissed by a federal judge. Two years later, an appeals court miraculously managed to get the charges reinstated. In 2014, a full 7 years after the crime, convictions were obtained against 4 of the men responsible for the massacre. Ranging from 30 years to life, it seemed that at least 4 American jackboots were finally going to see some punishment.

They were pardoned along with many other war criminals 6 years later. Once again reinforcing that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are only meant to be enjoyed by white Americans in this corrupt regime.