• poVoq@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Lets be factual here, no one is accusing Richard Stallman of child abuse.

    What he did, and no one is even remotely denying that, is publicly defending someone who likely did something of incredibly bad taste (regardless of the specific details and the exact age) for exactly that thing the person allegedly did (so Stallman must assume it to be true as well).

    This in itself is not illegal or anything like that, but associated organizations like the MIT or the FSF have every right to decided that because of that Richard Stallman is no longer suited as a public high level representative or a honorary professor.

    As much as I also think this witch-hunt on the internet went too far (with Stallman being an out of touch ex-hippy who probably thought we was beyond touch due to his cult following), this is not by any means a hill I am willing to die on. In fact it was probably a good reality check for him and I don’t see much problems him him being back on a lower profile position in the FSF now.