• JucheEnjoyer
    2 years ago

    This is too much for me to read right now, but i appreciate how in depth it is and that you gave links. I’ll look into it sometime soon

    edit: so i just read it, and the only thing i can think is will we have enough time to actually switch to renewable energy? Most of the biggest polluting countries are capitalist and are they really gonna invest in public transport and solar panels etc when its not profitable? even if its theoretically possible to switch to renewable, i’m sure capitalism will get in the way and make it harder or impossible in the time we have

    nuclear has the potential i think under capitalism to be adopted, especially because its exportable (in the case of thorium molten salt) and it would buy us time we need. the alternative being switching to communism but we cant rely on that as a main solution since its so hard/unlikely

    plus more people die from pollution than in nuclear accidents right? i mean pollution kills so so many people and a reactor in the middle of a desert is only gonna be able to kill a handful, its not a permanent solution but its better than what we have and its realistic in the timeframe and system were stuck with for now