And how they had people in clean suits spraying down entire streets with disinfectant.

It’s a good thing the West picked up on the queen that it might be a good idea to prepare for a virus. Imagine if they decided instead to do nothing, but then blame China for the virus and claim that they created it in a lab and hid the virus from the world.

Just imagine if the West did nothing and instead decided to let it rip through their countries.

  • lvysaur [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Edit: actually I’m not done…Like seriously: its revealed to me a level of propaganda that’s making me actively question how much of what I believe to be valid criticisms of China I believe for reasons that are complete bullshit.

    Everything you learn is anglo, western, and above all WHITE propaganda. Not just about China.

    China had the best response. The US hid it for far longer on its navy ships, military bases, etc

    POC are routinely not awarded credit for their discoveries/inventions. Look up Shibasaburo and Yersinia pestis.
    Or just think about the Indian numerals you use, the first iron metallurgy being in Africa, etc.

    Rhinos, elephants, and other African/Indian megafauna experienced 90% of their decline under white rule.

    US white settlers were calling themselves “Native Americans” in the 1800s, to foster a sense of nativity. Thus “American Indian” is actually an old racial slur that has simply reached such normative levels that the originally oppressed have just come to accept it.
    Similar stories with other redefined racial terms like “Caucasian” and “Aryan”, redefined to assuage white insecurity.

    Vikings are just a meme because the Swedes were butthurt about losing Finland. The meme started 2 years after they lost the Finnish war.

    The American bison went basically extinct because US whites shot them all to starve the Plains Americans. Even today, all bison are mixed with cattle genes.

    Europe is not a continent. It’s just Northwest Asia.

    White people are mixed race. (Yamnaya, Early farmers from Anatolia, Uralics etc)

    Light skin, and also Brown eyes, are a Middle Eastern feature.


    It’s literally every single thing that you are ever taught, and I can’t overemphasize how NON-hyperbolic I’m being right now. Everything you hear, be it from a history book or just people chatting, is laced with lies, spins, and omissions to look a certain way, and even the well-meaning people will repeat these lies because there are so fucking many of them, they’re like bacteria. You won’t learn reality unless you go looking for it yourself.