It’s been a bit of a struggle, especially last night. But I found snapping my arm with a rubber band helps take my mind off the urge. I feel good though, a bit of clarity has returned not having to obsess over what my next get off urge will be and spending time hunting for harder and harder porn. I’ll update tomorrow!
Nice! As someone who attends sex therapy, here are some questions that have helped me explore why I feel the way I feel and do what I do. I hope they help.
When you have the urge to masturbate or look at porn…
The reason this is important is that shaming yourself or just forcing yourself to stop won’t get to the root causes of the problem, which could be biological, psychological, sociological, etc. I’d really encourage you to do some of this work alongside your abstinence.
Good job on your first day comrade. I hope these activities help you explore some root causes here that will help with long term recovery.