It’s been a bit of a struggle, especially last night. But I found snapping my arm with a rubber band helps take my mind off the urge. I feel good though, a bit of clarity has returned not having to obsess over what my next get off urge will be and spending time hunting for harder and harder porn. I’ll update tomorrow!
I am happy that you found something that works for you and that did improve your QoL.
Is not quite as clear cut. The mechanisms which make you feel better are not understood and while there are a couple of studies which show that reported happiness does somewhat equalize over time in many situations the brain doesn’t just create new receptors limitless. The connectivity in the brain, how it processes signals and alike are both more complex and less understood than sometimes presented.
Asceticism doesn’t in general lead to people who are experiencing spices again having orgasmic feelings.
That said, your individual life situation, circumstances and body are also much more complex and unexplained, so it is good you reflect on what works for you.