Not much to say here to add more context. I have been suspicious about the grown-ass men with backpacks stopping off next door, for only a few minutes, multiple times a day.

Today one of them busted into their yard at a full sprint, with a taped up bag of what I can charitably describe as, “powdered sugar.”

My big problem is: I don’t want to call Angry Men With Guns to my home.

They’ve got a lovely track record of shooting dogs and crybullying us about how sad it made them. To put it in perspective, they tried putting up NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH COPS signs, and they got vandalized. The signs are 5m up in the air—somebody needed to set up a ladder to make that happen!

Honestly: what do I do here? Cops aren’t an option and I don’t want to be dead.

  • Better Red Than Dead
    1 year ago

    Also fentanyl is one of the most harmful drugs you can take. Heroin will destroy your life too, but the risk of dying is much smaller, since fentanyl is 50-100x more potent. People that take this stuff are being abused by the dealers, they are profiting from the misery, since almost every drug addict has some kind of mental health problem (not to stigmatise them, but I think many have depression etc and need help).