After having success with a sleep routine (that starts 1 hour earlier from when I want to fall asleep) and seeing someone mention morning routines and reset routines (“A reset routine is something you do when you’re feeling super unfocused”) I wanted to know yours, so that I can better craft and tailor mine.

  • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
    10 months ago

    Just having got back on a normal time to wake up this morning when I have a fucked up sleep schedule I just force myself to stay awake until I am 8 hours from when I want to wake up. It usually works. Although, there are the times where I’ll pass out at a reasonable time, but then wake up 14 hours later. And that actually feels so much worse than only getting 2-4 hours of sleep. Body just feels like shit after a sleep that long.

    Having dogs helps with the routine. My routine is their routine. Up, dressed, potty for me, walk and potty for them, food for all.

    • Teodomo@lemmy.worldOP
      10 months ago

      I used to do that but as I get older it’s harder to stay awake and just brute force it. I started using a sleep routine I found online that’s basically: 1 hour before the time I want to fall asleep at I’ll turn off all screens (computer, cellphone). Have a warm, relaxing bath. Optionally write in a paper whatever is in my head (like stuff to do tomorrow) so that I can take it out of my mind. Dim the lights if you can. Optionally meditate. Then read a book until it’s the time I want to fall asleep at. Go to bed, if I didn’t fall asleep in 20 mins then read for 30 min more and try again until eventually you fall asleep. Works pretty well and fixes my sleep schedule in a couple of nights (something unthinkable for me for most of my life).

      But having that fixed doesn’t magically help everything else. I find out that when I wake up at morning it’s still dreadfully difficult to do whatever I’m supposed to do. That’s why I’m looking for morning routines to help me just start doing it without getting distracted. And reset routines in case I do become unfocused so that I don’t just straight up lose the rest of the day if possible.

        10 months ago

        I don’t know if it will help you, but I worked to develop the habit of putting everything i need to do on a calendar and then doing what my calendar tells me. So if I want to get a paper or a presentation made the next morning, I will put it on my calendar with a realistic time block like 9-11. In the morning my routine is get up, bathroom, vitamins, hair, exercise routine (walking or short exercise routine from my phone app), coffee. Critically, I don’t have the coffee until it is time to sit down and work, so I sit down to my with with the French press and start working. That usually sets me up for a good productive morning.