After having success with a sleep routine (that starts 1 hour earlier from when I want to fall asleep) and seeing someone mention morning routines and reset routines (“A reset routine is something you do when you’re feeling super unfocused”) I wanted to know yours, so that I can better craft and tailor mine.

    10 months ago

    I don’t know if it will help you, but I worked to develop the habit of putting everything i need to do on a calendar and then doing what my calendar tells me. So if I want to get a paper or a presentation made the next morning, I will put it on my calendar with a realistic time block like 9-11. In the morning my routine is get up, bathroom, vitamins, hair, exercise routine (walking or short exercise routine from my phone app), coffee. Critically, I don’t have the coffee until it is time to sit down and work, so I sit down to my with with the French press and start working. That usually sets me up for a good productive morning.