• phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    So you expect others to just hand you stuff for free? Is that it? I mean, the world does require people to work to, you know, make goods that we consume… Or did you think that Mac Donald’s hamburgers are just magically willed into existence? Police are just NPC computer characters?

    • Tayb@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Actually, yes. Yes I do. Because it already happens, and because that’s how it used to work. My neighborhood couldn’t afford to repave our streets, but it happens anyway. Farmers certainly couldn’t afford to plant all the corn they do, but they do anyway because of government subsidies. Medieval peasants worked far less than we have to and enjoyed far more freedoms, and here we are toiling away despite the fact that one farmer now could feed a whole kingdom. What you’re missing is our dollar and economy are not tied to actual, physical things. There’s this whole imaginary line graph in the heads of certain people that has to keep going up at all costs.

      I think I understand better than you do what goes into a McDonald’s hamburger judging by your spelling of it. I also work with my local PD on a daily basis, and I can tell you to them it’s just a way to collect a paycheck to live.

      • phoenixz@lemmy.ca
        1 year ago

        because that’s how it used to work.

        In sesame street? Have you ever opened a history book on any place in the world?

        Medieval peasants worked far less than we have to and enjoyed far more freedoms

        Yeah now I know that you’re drunk or 5 years old. Medieval peasants either were slaves, worked as a semi slave for a lord who could squeeze them out, or worked for themselves and were unprotected from the “funs” of the time. ALL of them had to work sun up to sun down to be able to survive. This fantasy where you are living in where medieval peasants had more free time than any of us is just bullshit, there is no other word for it. We actually have 8 hour work days and 2 free days per week (soon will become 3, then 4). Peasants had a 7 day work week, pretty much. Ah, if they were lucky the Sunday church visit would spare them an hour.

        one farmer now could feed a whole kingdom

        Oh god where do you get your info from? Or, what have you been smoking and please don’t give me any of that, I want my brain cells.

        You heard some things about “capitalism bad because some rich guys” and apparently really think that that is how the world works. Abuse of capitalism is bad, yes. But the core of it is literally what allowed you to have a mobile phone in your hands so that you can removed about the evils of capitalism. Grow up.

        I think I understand better than you do what goes into a McDonald’s hamburger judging by your spelling of it.

        Ah the famous “You made a typo, so I’m right!” argument

        Look, I get it, you’re on an “antiwork” sub, but you really don’t understand how this world works. If you think that something like communism is the solution oh boy do I have a bridge to sell you! Maybe you should open up a history book. Actually, go to wikipedia, search for famines in the last century. Hint: The fun ones are communist! All of it. Maybe look up communist chekist. Watch the movie, crawl in a fetal position for 2 weeks and maybe then you have some idea about how fucked up shit can be and that capitalism, with all its flaws and failures, maybe really isn’t that bad.

        Get a job!