Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp on Thursday offered his strongest denunciation to date of efforts by his fellow Republicans to go after Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, dismissing the moves as “political theater that only inflames the emotions of the moment.”

Some Republicans in Washington and Georgia have been attacking Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis since even before she announced the indictment of former President Donald Trump for conspiring to overturn the 2020 election. Kemp said that any calls for a special session to impeach Willis or defund her office were wrong and that she had done nothing to merit removal.

A special session, the second-term governor said, “would ignore current Georgia law and directly interfere with the proceedings of a separate but equal branch of government.”

“The bottom line is that in the state of Georgia, as long as I’m governor, we’re going to follow the law and the Constitution, regardless of who it helps or harms politically,” a clearly agitated Kemp said at a news conference in the state’s capital.

    1 year ago

    Pretty sure this is because Trump has such a hold on the GOP it closes off any further opportunity for a political climber like Kemp. Kemp wants his own shot at the big seat, but they have to clear Trump out of the way before he has a snowball’s chance.

    So Kemp’s sitting on the sidelines letting the current candidates take shit about how loyally Trumpist they are, and meanwhile does not lift a finger as governor of Georgia to help him, thinking that his inaction will be forgotten by 2028.

    Maybe, maybe not, but I will never forget how he openly stole his current seat from Stacey Abrams as Georgia Secretary of State presiding over his own election, and how he has done everything in his power, legal and not so legal, to make voting harder for everyone (especially people of color) in the state of Georgia.

    Right now he is the enemy of our enemy, which is cool, but it doesn’t change what he is: another presidential hopeful wiping out democratic process in his own state to get his own shot at the top.