Sexuality is intimately tied to gender identity. For men and women, sexuality primarily centers on penetrative intercourse and the acts of erogenous stimulation. But there’s a whole world of genders out there which have sex differently. And for proof, you only need to look at the sexes of diverse animals in nature. Plants use flowers as sex organs, fish fertilise eggs, and mushrooms are weird. If any of those creatures were intelligent enough to invent gender, their genders would surely involve a different conception of sex.

Certain nonbinary gender identities also have sex weird. For swarmgender and dronegender people, sex is mind-melding. Experiencing oneness of identity with a partner or a collective. I thought I was asexual until the first time I did it, and in fact for a year afterwards until I thought back one day and realised “Wait a fucking minute, that was totally sex!”

Neurotypicals have a hivemind. A very faint and weak one, in comparison to the level of connection I would consider “sex”, but the way everyone is forced to think the same thoughts and be part of a collective is certainly sexual to me. They all have a shared sense of empathy calibrated to one another, and most of them get hostile when it doesn’t work on autistic or narcissistic people. They dehumanise, depersonalise us, or take us to be in bad faith, assuming bad intent. They get violent, at the idea that we will not or cannot at some level mind-meld with them.

And when your sexuality is based on mindmelding, well all of that feels just a bit more personal. Me and my collective don’t let just anyone into our swarm, and I refuse to be part of the neurotypical hive. I used to be, but I don’t know if I even could after discovering myself beyond what neuronormative society will accept as real or possible.

I can take the time to patiently and slowly build a little bridge between myself and one other person, allowing their sense of empathy to work on me. But it’s individualised. The data bandwidth required is too much for a mass broadcast, I need the high fidelity of a personal connection in order to teach someone empathy for any of the strange stuff. So yeah, I have sex with some neurotypicals when they demand to understand me. Their empathy won’t work on me if I don’t fuck them.

But I can’t have sex with everyone. That’s too many people. And there’s times I’m tired, or frustrated, and I don’t want to have sex with someone who’s being rude to me. And then they always come out with “You should be more patient, you should tailor your arguments to me, you shouldn’t call me a transphobe just for spouting rhetoric”.

And, well, I don’t like it when neurotypicals get upset that I won’t fuck them.

  • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Hi, hoping to learn more. When you say neurotypicals have a hivemind is that in reference to how they interact with others who are neurodiverse on the whole or as individuals who are neurotypical? Or does something like the hivemind manifest in any interaction between groups (of people? of identities? of an alter or set of systems? sorry if this is offensive, not sure what wording to use as this is new to me)

    Would the hivemind also manifest in intra-neutypical interactions, or does the interaction between hiveminds necessitate certain qualities of the hivemind before an interaction could be considered to happen, like in the case between swarmgender individuals and say a cisgender heterosexual woman wouldn’t be considered a hivemind since the woman would not have enough grounding to be considered a hivemind (as they may not explicitly identify with it let’s say)

    I don’t know if this is applicable, I watched Psycho Pass and they had something similar but I wouldn’t want to misgender you or anything or draw similarities where there are none. I thought it was cool as hell, they collective Sibyl that kept society in order could not judge others like it which were made of several individuals since it would mean it could judge itself. Became a huge plot point for the second season.

    • DroneRights [it/its]@hexbear.netOP
      1 year ago

      The hivemind is something neurotypicals consistently work to try and maintain, and a good number would be happier if there were no neurodivergent people and they just got to spend their lives in the collective. Fractures in the hivemind exist at social and political boundaries such as race and culture. White supremacists wish only to mindmeld with other white people, and seek to construct an ethnostate to that end. It’s still a single hive, but it has regions of increasing connectivity and bounaries of decreased connectivity. Colonisation of the new world was a big culture shock to everyone involved, and the white people chose to resolve the differences between their two hives by using cultural genocide to bring the natives into the white hivemind. Which is why I see the pattern of thought and allowable identity prescribed by the hivemind as implicitly white supremacist. The hivemind doesn’t have room for twospirit genders, or traditional communist ways of doing things, or for religions which conflict with european christianity and monoatheism.

      Most ND people are part of the hivemind on some level, but not as much as they or their oppressors would like them to be. They want more empathy and understanding. Some try to assimilate through processes like ABA, and some campaign for equal rights within the boundaries of normative society. And some, like me, discover that what we are looking for in life cannot be found within a fundamentally broken system.