I’ve been having a number of conversations on Hexchan recently trying to make sense of their politics. The most common instance of their hateful hypocrisy I’ve encountered is this constant assurance that they support trans people while immediately attacking and dog piling and trans people who point out that the situation would be much worse under Trump.

The hexchanners who aren’t actively Russian trolls seem to be little more than useful idiots for conservatives, minimizing the damage they do to vulnerable populations and engaging in high school level pettiness and hate.


  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]@hexbear.net
    1 year ago

    That’s only because Iran and Palestine aren’t nuclear powers. Go look up Trump’s policy towards them, you may learn a thing or two.

    Well yeah, thats exactly my point. From a moral perspective, Trump is every bit as abominable as any other US president in every way and worse in many ways. That being as it is, the stakes of his morally repugnant behavior were much lower because he wasn’t constantly trying to ratchet up tensions with Russia and China into war, at least to the degree that Biden has. Yeah Trump treated Palestine and Iran like shit, buy nobody can reasonably say that’s going to lead to WWII.

    I agree with everything you said in your second paragraph too. Trump is an absolute peice of shit. However the current piece of shit in the White House is driving the world towards nuclear war in a way that the previous one wasn’t, at least to nearly the same degree.

    sick and tired of a way too vocal minority on this site pretending that Trump is “at least better on foreign policy than the Dems” because you like his aesthetics better than Biden’s.

    Nowhere in my post did I say or suggest that Trump is “better on foreign policy”. I called upon Dems to recognize that Biden’s foreign policy is drawing the world closer to nuclear Armageddon than those of Trump’s. I’d have absolutely no basis to say anything I’ve said if Biden’s foreign policy was substantially better than Trump’s, but like you said both parties are two sides of the same coin. You accuse me of engaging in “lesser evilism” and maybe you’re right. Shitty American foreign policy that does not lead to nuclear war is the lesser evil of shitty American foreign policy that does lead to nuclear war.

    You cannot vote your way out of the genocidal foreign policy of the USA. It is bipartisan consensus and you’re simply falling for the RepubliKKKan ruse that gives you the illusion of “some amount of choice” on this matter.

    Nowhere in my post did I mean to imply that the solution is to vote. I’m not American, my votes don’t matter anyway. Like you said, I cannot vote to opt out of my country being targeted at repeated American provocations against our sovereignty. The onus is on you, the Americans, to do something about your genocidal foreign policies.