Over work

Mentally draining/abusive workplace


(maybe intentionally) bad management practices

lack of any signs of improvement

    11 months ago

    I was expected to post 3 tweets, 2 Instagram posts, and 2 TikToks minimum per day.

    I was also expected to plan, film, edit, and post 2 Floatplane exclusives per week.

    Instagram/Twitter: image/text posts are not hard since the quality expectation is very low. Looking at their instagram their newest post is just a photo of Linus’ head in an oven and the comment “just tryna bake some of dat cake.” The exact same image and text is posted on twitter. It’s just garbage bullshit.

    The two TikToks are per week based on their tiktok page not per day. I clicked few a few, one was a 12 second video of someone taking a battery bank and an xbox outside and playing it briefly with the text headline mentioning touching grass sometimes.

    2 Floatplane seems weird to me because 100% of what is on floatlabs is 1:1 with youtube (same thumbnails even) with different titles, at least from what I can see without signing up or paying anything.

    I get that making bullshit content all week can be stressful and I don’t doubt it would be impossible in a hostile work environment. It’s a damn shame that the sexual assault allegation doesn’t seem to have any details or any naming and shaming involved because that would seem like a metoo opportunity to get rid of a literal sexual assaulter.

    Hopefully they get a good job without any of the problems they faced at LTT.