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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • They’re pro-power. They want to be the ones getting the kickback from policy decisions since whenever you change policy there are winners and losers - and the ones who bet on your side tend to win (because then they make you win in other ways. Big roles for your family, giant donations to keep you in office, business deals with your family so you get more income.)

    They use:

    • Christian Guilt (#1 - “Pro Life”, WORK your life away because it’s what you’re supposed to do/REPORT YOUR NEIGHBORS FOR NOT LIVING A GOOD CHRISTIAN LIFE)
    • Fear (#2 - anti-vax/conspiracy shit/racism/“guns protect people”/“strong militaries save lives”/Anti-LGBTQ/‘THEY’RE COMIN’ FOR YER GUNS) and
    • Hatred (#3 - OTHERING: racism/we’re better than them/don’t work with the other side they’re the enemy!/The LGBTQ are gonna rape your kids!)

    Fear and hatred are extremely powerful motivating forces and Christian guilt rolls into all of it. Presidents and most politicians can’t get elected without being publicly Christian, especially in conservative majority districts. I’m atheist myself, so forgive my improper categorization of denomination, but everybody knows what I mean.

    The platform is not the same as the objective. The objective is to gain personal wealth and power and build a dynasty for your family. Helping your wealthier buddies out gets you a bigger share. There are certainly people who intend to get into politics without these opinions and attitudes but it’s far from the majority.

  • Their federal funding should be revoked and they should be audited every year by the SEC, also separately be audited for HR violations, and be a hotspot for any investigations based on whistleblower reports to various agencies imo.

    They want to make a trillion dollars off a vaccine that was bought and paid for many times over by the federal government. They had been trying to find other treatments for years in other avenues with no success. They don’t seem to be bringing much new innovation either, just milking this one treatment with minor tweaks between one strain and the next.

    Horrible bullshit, typical pharma.

  • There is no privacy in public areas

    Also already legal to take overt photos in public areas within some rational parameters (no upskirts, but otherwise it’s pretty open.)

    People HATE the idea that they are being recorded but the reality is it’s already happening every single day in all kinds of places you’d never expect. Never forget every phone has a camera on the back… and on the front… Ask yourself: Does yours notify you when it’s in use?

    Then just think about things like key fob cameras, button cameras…

    Edit: Note, the Meta Smart Glasses are only releasing in the US, Canada and the UK. All three countries have no laws protecting privacy from photography in public, though my original comment was clearly about the US. Your local area will have it’s on laws and restrictions, enjoy your regulations!