Skip the slop: it’s hard enough to be the single side piece for my other friends, and I don’t think I can mentally take that designation in another relationship. I’m not the closest with this person, so I feel as though I should break the relationship off cleanly but would like to be respectful while doing so. How should I do that?

Slop below


I have multiple friends (of all different genders) in my life which I am extremely thankful for but who are all partnered. To be quite honest though, I’ve never felt more lonely than hanging out with my partnered friends while tagging along as a single guy and the friendships no longer feel the same. It is always myself asking my friends to hang out and them bringing along their spouses or new partners (which they have the right to do but that doesn’t make it suck any less).

I had originally asked one of my last single friends if she was interested in going to a show with me a few weeks ago-It’s just a breath of fresh air to catch up with someone who is also in your same life position and alleviates the feeling of loneliness that comes with not having a +1 to share shit with. She texts me yesterday and asks if I would like to hang soon again, but then I learn that she is now partnered as well :(

    11 months ago

    Hey man, sorry that you’re feeling this way in your friend circle, I’m kinda in a similar situation myself so I can empathize

    To answer your actual question, I think something short and simple would probably be best. Start with a greeting, what you want, and why. An example would be something like, “Hey [name], I don’t want to be friends anymore. I loved hanging out with you but I just don’t want to feel like a third wheel”. Add more detail if you want, maybe a sorry at the end. Use it more as a starting point. In the end it’s up to you, that’s just how would do it