Even though federation has led to racists and/or NATO defenders showing up, I’ve also encountered a number if very cool people from other instances posting things like helpful advice on federation stuff, vivid descriptions of getting vored by a pack of anthro-hyenas, interesting insights and opinions on Star Trek lore, etc. I still haven’t found much in the way of active hobby communities, but it’s pretty cool to see more Star Trek and furry stuff in the timeline, and I feel it makes having to deal with the occasional deranged lib worth it.

Anyways, to all the genuinely cool people who wander into Hexbear threads, I’m very glad you’ve showed up to bless us with your wonderful posts and I hope you stick around.


  • sicklemode [they/them]@hexbear.net
    11 months ago

    If you want to leave, we’re powerless to stop you.

    We can have a constructive discussion about Russia’s conflict with the West (which is using Ukraine as a proxy), but only after this fundamental issue of dehumanization is reconciled. There is no moving forward for me without that fundamental roadblock being removed, because it affects everything about how you see and treat Russian people (and people in general).

    I’m personally not advocating for you to leave, and would suggest against others’ efforts to push you out while you are engaging here in good faith. Change isn’t comfortable or quick, and it involves a lot of uncomfortable reckoning with established narratives and experiences you thought/think show the objective reality without distortions.

    Ultimately, the decision to remain here is up to you. Should you leave, the door is open for you to return should you decide it’s worth the reckoning of those blind spots and challenging what you thought/think is right.