• testingthis@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Thank you. There is still some sanity left on the internet. This movement was critically important. So cool that you actually saw it!!

      • GenkiFeral@lemmy.ml
        3 years ago

        I consider citizens reminding the government or any institution who wants power over others that it is us that allows them to have that power. I am also a huge fan of consumer advocacy because companies also tend to exert power over others - from polluting the waterways or soil to allowing harmful products to be sold to putting employees at risk. I hate bullies and like to see them put in their place. I am in better shape than most people my age, so I do care about health, but I mind my own business and take care of my own immune system and don’t preach to others about their diet or smoking or using tosix cleaners. If you want to destroy your health, your immune system, go right ahead. But, don’t dare tell me it is my fault becasue YOUR immune system didn’t properly handle a virus

    • GenkiFeral@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      hey! I briefly looked for the American version that may go to DC. I need to keep reading, but maybe its easier for you to tell me. Is there still a convoy planned and, if so, when? I gathered that it had to do with written verification regarding how a certain new law would be implemented…had to be in writing. And, i am in Dallas, TX, so how can I find which highway or truckstop they’ll all gather at? It would be fun to see them off since I can’t travel to DC. Maybe that needs to be private, though, so that they cannot be stopped? I don’t have great editing skills or tech skills, but I can edit video a bit. It might be fun to stay in contact with a few truckers from Dallas and maybe I could edit their videos that they send me and upload them to YT, removedute, and Odysee. Just a random idea. I feel the need to participate, but in an armchair-warrior kinda way. I suppose I could also upload to a few social media sites such as MeWe, Minds, Lemmy…