For people wanting to hop off WhatsApp to a similar alternative, Telegram is ideal - it may not beat Signal on security, but it beats it in the aesthetics, UI, user-friendly areas. But aside from Telegram sadly being a haven for fascists and literal Nazis floating around its groups and channels, Signal is seen as a more secure app to use. But other posters here have made some great recommendations!
For people wanting to hop off WhatsApp to a similar alternative, Telegram is ideal - it may not beat Signal on security, but it beats it in the aesthetics, UI, user-friendly areas. But aside from Telegram sadly being a haven for fascists and literal Nazis floating around its groups and channels, Signal is seen as a more secure app to use. But other posters here have made some great recommendations!
Disagree on ui and aesthetics. Signal is nice and lean. Very little cruft.
deleted by creator
Great points!