• havokdj@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    People should decide to vote for a party they agree with rather than the faux two-sided coin we deal with today. We are multi-party system yet everyone treats it as bipartisan.

    The two parties WANT you to think you are “wasting your vote” by voting for something other than them. The fact that you CAN vote for another party disproves this. Vote for a party you actually believe in, and keep voting, spread the message and you will see change.

    All it takes is one vote, and maybe you won’t be that vote, but you can tell someone else to do the same. Maybe they won’t be that vote, but the next person can be, or the next person. You see where I’m getting at?

    That’s called a movement, and it starts with you.

      • havokdj@lemmy.world
        1 year ago

        You know exactly why, it’s because it is the truth and they didn’t want to hear it. This is why I try to stay out of political discussions because it always boils down to “yeah well I’m X team and the Y team is bad because X said so!”.

        People say they want change yet here we are, restricting freedoms with each election, the only difference being the types of freedoms restricted change when the other party finally gets into office.

        You can read the history books, these people are not your friends, all they care about is controlling the people, and they are so dick-brained that they can’t even agree amongst themselves how they should do it.