“We will not stop calling out and fighting back against extremist, so-called leaders who try to prevent our children from learning our true and full history,” the vice president said in Florida.

  • JDPoZ@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    MSNBC is not a network of cryptobros is it?

    ….Wait wait wait… do you actually think MSNBC - a massive corporate network owned by literal billionaires who pay multi-millionaire pundits to manufacture consent for their goals among the non-rich public - is “the left?”

    You’re joking, right?!

    You know MSNBC talking heads like Chris Matthews and Chuck Todd compared the early primary campaign momentum of national left-leaning figurehead in the last 2 presidential elections - Bernie Sanders - to Hitler shit? The same Bernie Sanders whose own extended family was murdered in the Holocaust?

    You think THAT network is “the left?!”

    Holy shit I usually can keep my cool but fuck it. Let’s just fucking go right now. I keep finding myself hating the internet so goddamn much nowadays…

    Every 4 years incredibly confident dipshits seem to just magically flood the net and I can’t fucking stand it. Please just go fucking actually learn some shit before you comment on a place where anyone with more than 2 neurons to rub together discuss the world so the rest of us here don’t have to see stupid shit like someone actually suggesting that MSNBC is “the left” by ineptly mocking someone accurately correcting an unbelievably stupid claim like “the left” is a fan of fucking Elon “I want to name everything X” Musk.