So Cloudflare MtM for websites which logs ip . Bad

But doesn’t everyone log IP ? If not cloudflare then the hosting company? Aren’t this a client side issue ? I.e use a VPN.

What would be an option to cloudflare? Existence of any hosting provider that is a good option? Looking at moving to githubpages once my paid hosting expires in a year

How will Wei and cloudflare happen/do/enforce?

    10 months ago

    CloudFlare is the company that provides CDN and security services so useful to so many customers that they now sit between you and half of the internet, monitoring and monetizing all your traffic and preventing you from accessing anything from TOR exit nodes because they so decided without any oversight - or if you’re lucky, they let you through if you solve captcha after captcha until you’re tired and you give up.

    This company is the Google of the internet’s bowels: it’s an ultra-invasive, de-facto big data monopoly that doesn’t draw enough attention to the vastly excessive power it has over just about everybody online and the data it possesses on everybody.

    And just like Google, their entire business model revolves around grabbing as much control over the internet as possible by offering products so good that everybody wants them, until there is no competition and no escaping them.

  • @LoveSausageOP
    110 months ago

    So based on the issues above , and since I’m going the way of static websites , I will skip cloudflare.

    The technical VPN/TOR issues are just a toggle on cloudflare. Not sure what default is though.

    But ideologically I guess step away from them based on their monolithic influence. I guess any options for a proper WAF is paying or selfhosting. Neither in my interest . But correct headers and security setting should be enough.