Title, I was playing the first Zelda but I had to reinstall my OS and I forgot to back up my save game so I have to do all over again.
You could start a lemmy community and start uploading your save games there and see if it takes off ;)
Mmm, I see that as a hard thing since it would only be helpful if there were a giant database of save games, not only people asking and giving after that.
Gamefaqs has saves
Where? Do I need an account?
https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/ Find your game. When there are saves people have uploaded you will be able to click on a saves tab and download them.
Is there a standard format for saved games between emulators?
Mmm, I’m not sure, I think they’re the same if it’s emulating NES but it obviously changes between different consoles.
For HTML games usually the save codes can be found on pastebin. I imagine you’d have to search gaming forums.
I’m pretty sure NES games are not HTML games I think.
Ahh, yeah I dunno then. There might be something out there but maybe it’s a fediverse project ;)
NexusMods usually has save files for the games it supports.