Losses: Red Army: est. 24000 wounded and killed

Fedaykin est. 7000 wounded and killed.

PLA est. 2100 wounded and killed.

est. 450 tanks lost

est. 1038 aircraft lost

est. 3700 artillery lost

5 ornithopters lost

Imperium of Despair:

1 Junko lost

Reserves: est. 52000 wounded or killed

Verzweiflung Waffe SS: est 31000 wounded or killed

Despair Speakers: est 3000 wounded or killed

Monaca’s Volkstrumm: est 24000 wounded or killed

Monokumas: all deactivated

est. 1400 tanks lost

est. 1800 aircraft lost

est. 3900 lasart lost

est. 1300 ornithopters lost

  • Nimux
    11 months ago

    I think you should draw one nice version of your flags and then copy paste it as needed. Pixel art could give something nice and recognizable without requiring too much work. Also the PLA has a different flag than the PRC’s. Same thing for the Red Army.

    " 1Junko lost " lol.

    You misspelled Volkssturm, if that’s what it was supposed to mean.

    • commiespammerOP
      11 months ago

      That sounds like a good idea. As for the flags, I just used the nation flags— the correct imperium flag would also be different.

      Anyways, the in-universe reason for the misspelling is that they simplified the word. The out-of-universe one is that I was going off memory and screwed up.