America counts 16-24 as well, and I think these numbers include part-time work. Part-time work in America during these years is not frowned upon. Besides, your hypothesis implies the rate should be higher in America when it is not. So I’m a bit confused by your point!
Reading between the lines, this is a story about China’s youth giving up on employment but IMO, that’s a post-university phenomena, so why talk about the 16-22 cohort?
The US rate isn’t higher because, like China’s official numbers, it only really includes people actively looking for work.
America counts 16-24 as well, and I think these numbers include part-time work. Part-time work in America during these years is not frowned upon. Besides, your hypothesis implies the rate should be higher in America when it is not. So I’m a bit confused by your point!
Reading between the lines, this is a story about China’s youth giving up on employment but IMO, that’s a post-university phenomena, so why talk about the 16-22 cohort?
The US rate isn’t higher because, like China’s official numbers, it only really includes people actively looking for work.