Title is a bit vague because I don’t know the correct terms to phrase it properly.

I have a Raspberry Pi that I use to run jellyfin, transmission, blocky, soju. Recently I added libreddit to it seeing how the rate limits are affecting public instances.

The problem is that currently if I need to go my libreddit instance, I have to go to 192.168.0.x:xxxx which is extremely unfun to type.

Is there a way I can access it more elegantly? One solution I found was to configure blocky with a custom DNS that points to the RPi where I can configure an nginx reverse proxy so that lr.rpi.local for example serves libreddit.

Any other ideas for this?

  • fuser@quex.cc
    1 year ago

    assuming you are using a desktop os, e.g windows/linux, put an entry in /etc/hosts, e.g. 192.168.0.x yourname

    then you can use yourname:xxxx