• ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      42 years ago

      To be clear, the famine was a huge tragedy that resulted in massive loss of life. And poor planning did play a role in this crisis. However, it was by no means an engineered crisis or a an inevitable outcome of the soviet system.

      • @k_o_t@lemmy.mlOP
        12 years ago

        so uuuh, i’ve been going through the sources in the study you’ve linked, which is an interesting study btw, it relies in many places on Iztestiia (which is a CPSS run newspaper btw, so idk how much we can rely on it to truthfully convey whatever happened if it painted them in a bad way) and also Spravochnik partiinogo rabotnika

        i’ve searched for these online, and i can’t really find free archived versions of, i could probably go to the local library and possibly find the necessary exerpts there, but before that i wanted to see if i could get it online :)

        do you by any chance have access to archives of them?

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          32 years ago

          I don’t have the archives either unfortunately, let me know if you do manage to track them down though.