I’m a new peertuber (literally created the channel yesterday) and being on the fediverse for a good time made me think It’s a bit more harder to be discovered. It’s not just that I want to become internet famous, but also because a whole lot of content here is generally really bad. (I’m not talking about the shitposts, the info coming from videos are boring as hell, the thumbnails and titles meh.)

I love the fediverse, It’s tough to say but the videos here is quote-on-quote, really boring.

I’m not about to recreate the same mistakes, peertube could be something more than this.

unrelated: One thing I noticed is that youtubers do alot of collabs, and that’s probably why some youtubers get discovered quickly, in general generates alot of traction. However there isn’t really a center place to find other creators on peertube.

If there is any advice please don’t hesitate to tell me anything, and let’s discuss this for a bit, shall we?

Thanks in advance…

  • @ericbuijs@lemmy.ml
    23 years ago

    I’m on diode.zone at the moment, but if you had to recommend me something I’d like to have place with essayists about games or whatever. so I could have some kind of competition; that said I haven’t seen any of this kind of content creator that is remotely serious or put in some kind of effort, other than well, linux youtubers.

    Diode.zone is fine but if you compare it with TILvids you’ll notice that the latter is more curated. Just compare the Recently Added page from both. So if your videos are good and you don’t mind that TILvids isn’t federating you could consider moving to TILvids.

    I haven’t seen much quality game essayist on Peertube (perhaps Boiling Steam or Zed at the ShovelWarehouse) probably due to the fact that PeerTube is tiny compared to YT. I can only hope it will grow in time.

    • @monoaudio@lemmy.mlOP
      33 years ago

      well about tilvids… I just also don’t like the fact that they deny instance following; inherently making other’ instances potential quality to be much lower since the majority of good creators are there. I’m not about to contribute if my videos doesn’t spread like a virus throughout the internet, too.

      For now I could talk to scanlime (owner of diode.zone) and do some improvements, like educating people for tagging, or theming the instance.

      … Boiling Steam or Zed at the ShovelWarehouse …
