this question aims to look at alternatives, not why we should remain using lemmy or any lemmy instance.

  • Vegafjord eo
    23 years ago

    Its fair to criticize me for using the term tankies. What is a better term for one who support these countries?

      3 years ago

      Socialists. A certain section of people is known as communists. There are trotskyists as well. ML and non ML socialists. Stalinists, Leninists, Maoists. The last one is considered too absurd by many socialists in today’s day and age.

      Calling socialists “tankies” is EXACTLY the same as calling ALL right wing or conservative people Nazis. That is how BS that sounds like.

      Please do not downvote this fellow. People should know why using the term tankies for all socialists is wrong.

      • Lilium
        53 years ago

        Except that when people say “tankies” they are not referring to all socialists, but to the branch that supports authoritarian socialist governments, pretty much on the opposite end of the leftist spectrum from anarchism, so I understand why op would feel that way, although I will take that community any day over a right leaning community.

          03 years ago

          Authoritarianism itself is not a wrong thing, because corrupt “liberals” and many others always assume according to Western media that authoritarianism comes with a corrupt moral conscience. However, every single Western democracy that is part of controlling this global narrative has showed us that they are the ones with corrupt moral conscience to the point they want to proxy control other countries. This is not just USA or UK I am talking about, which are infamous examples.