Some time ago there was dismay on Mastodon (and Pleroma ?) instances about data scraping. Before that happened there were privacy concerned people automatically deleting their own toots, limiting them for example to the latest toots for thirty days. With Lemmy things are different since Lemmy is a link aggregator rather than micro blogging, and Mastodon has boost option (Called replay with Pleroma ?). However deleting your older comments (but not posts) automatically would be really nice for privacy reasons.

  • poVoq
    63 years ago

    I feel a bit torn on this. I think Lemmy is more like a traditional public forum (which serve as important knowledge preservation storage a bit like an adhoc wiki and unlike chat and micro-blogging). So while there might be exceptional cases where your posts should be delete-able, I don’t think it would be good to have such as a default option.

    • dandelionOP
      23 years ago

      Yes, agreed, therefore I mentioned deleting comments not posts.

      • poVoq
        33 years ago

        Why would comments be different? Many people only read the top comments on link aggregators as they are often more informative then the link itself.

        • dandelionOP
          3 years ago

          See also my other new comment about issues

          Posting a URL or an image can show a little bit about yourself, but comments and a posted question will show a lot more. Leaving the old posts like they are makes some sense since people can benefit from reading it without a very high chance of giving up your own privacy.

          • poVoq
            13 years ago

            Reading also your other comments, I don’t think I agree. Posting stuff publicly is well… public. If you don’t want stuff taken out of context or otherwise abused it is probably better to not post it publicly in the first place.

            Note however that legally speaking the barrier for “private” posts are pretty low in most countries, i.e. posting something on a invite only (even if the invite link is public) Discord channel is apparently considered private communication and thus you can press charges against someone publicizing it without your consent. I think that is why some Mastodon instances do not have a public feed, but with federation it becomes a bit murky.

            But IMHO maybe what you are really asking for is invite-only Lemmy communities?