Should we stay for the revolution? If it’s even possible?

I’ve seen some on the internet (mainly TikTok and twitter, sue me) say that moving to another country to escape your problems (this is mostly directed to those in the US and Canada) is a form of colonialism and you would contribute to gentrifying the country you leave to. Do you agree?

I’ve mentioned on here a few times my disdain for living in Canada and how I am happy to leave when I am able, I’ve even had some comrades encourage me to do so if I can, so for a time I was sure that moving was an okay thing to do but now I don’t know. I don’t want to gentrify another nation and I don’t want to abandon people here who aren’t afforded the same privileges as me. I figured maybe I could help from a distance, or at the very least “visiting”to help but not living here, does that make sense?

Anyway, I really wanted to move away but now I’m not so sure and I may be causing more damage by leaving. I don’t want to colonize another place, I’m already a settler in Canada and I wasn’t planning on moving to Portugal either (locals can barely afford to live there themselves). I know I shouldn’t be taking statements made on social media so seriously but I can’t help but take these criticisms into consideration.

  • 小莱卡
    2 days ago

    I think its worse when people move from the global south countries to the imperial core, its a wealth transfer after all.

    • SpaceDogsOP
      1 day ago

      Oh this is an interesting perspective. I see what you mean.

    • sinovictorchan
      2 days ago

      Wealth is irrelevant if they lost the workers who generated the wealth. That is why the Western European diaspora need to use the Bretton Woods institution to create debt trapping to then sponsor puppet authoritarian governments, altrocities, and wars to generate a large number of displaced people who the Western European diapora government agents could lure into slavery to replace the depleted child slaves in the Indian Residential fake school system that secretly continued after 1997. The scary red conspiracy theories from the Cold War era had revealed that the Capitalists had always known that Soviets are more hard working and innovative than American Capitalist class despite that claim that Communists follow the Liberal policy to shift to full Communism without the proper material condition and that the Capitalists need heavy government intervention to oppose the invisible hand who is hiring Soviet agents into key positions of Pax Americana to discipline the lazy Capitalists. The high dependency on immigrants of non-European origin and the fear of hard working innovative Communists are prove that wealth transfer is insignificant without the talent and labor of workers.