Basically the title. If there was a legion/gene-seed that could be considered the “greediest”/most covetous of material wealth. I see Fulgrim being a reasonable option, but I wanna know if there’s a loyalist equivalent at all.

  • -6-6-6-OP
    2 days ago

    I see, that makes sense; considering how they were designed by the Emps. I guess to be more specific then; using the model of “oaths” and the feudal power-structure, which Legion would be most likely to use rogue-traders or interact with them?

    And ayee thanks for responding. Here is where I was explaining more why I was asking the question.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMindM
      2 days ago

      using the model of “oaths” and the feudal power-structure, which Legion would be most likely to use rogue-traders or interact with them?

      Regularily probably no one, but that’s more because of a irregular nature of Rogue Traders. Maybe in the situation of just ordinary trade by the chapter and RT domains neighbouring eachother. But most chapters domains are only their recruiting worlds which tends to be bunch of death or feral worlds where the brutality on world scale is the point and anything easing that like traders visiting with useful merchandise and new ideas are extremely unwelcome. Which again leads to Ultramarines as having most conventional and largest domain, plus chapters like Salamanders or Emperor’s Scythes which are not against their subjects bettering their lives.

      On opportunity i think most chapters could and will use RT help, depending on chapter overall isolationism and hostility, though RT’s in particular have pretty bad opinion among Astartes for how often they engage in heretical activities and with how aftermatch of those need to be moped up by marines. Ones that comes to mind are fleet based chapters that are usually short on resources.

      About your post, i think you should read the Carcharodons books i mentioned, they kinda function like that, but precisely avoid RT’s, they trade with Admech instead. And the imperialists expansionists Marines are extremely unwelcomed by the Inquisition and the Imperial Senate, they have too much power already and it was the point of breaking legions into chapters to not allowed them any more. Do that and Minotaurs would visit you and politely explain by their signature chapter extermination policy, why that is not a good thing to do. Of course they are some exceptions but i can name only 2: Ultramarines have their historical empire of Ultramar but they are not expanding it and it’s all because Gulliman both in the past and now, and Black Templars have entire armies but specifically they have no domain, if they did, they would have lecture by Moloch already.