I’ve been meaning to make this post for quite a while now, but due to life and stuff happening - that just never ended up happening. Until now, anyway.

There were some fan-made socialist emblems of Japan I saw that I liked, but they also have the rising sun in them, so, I don’t know if I should use them.

Case in point

Though there’s also this one that I found

The obvious answer should be to “just use the JCP’s symbol”, but is JCP even remotely communist anymore? They were also pretty anti-Soviet and I think anti-China as well?

There was also the JSP (Japan Socialist Party), but not only does it no longer exist, but also upon going through Wikipedia (since I still don’t know much about Lefty Politics in Japan), they also called the USSR “deviationist”.

So, yeah. I’m at a loss here regarding what to use as the icon and banner for this community. It feels kinda naked (pardon my french) without one. Do any of you like the ones I’ve showcased? Or do y’all have your own suggestions? If so, let me know.

Thanks, and have a good day!