Just found this in a link and I had to post it- it’s eating away at me. It feels like the blog has a lot of huge dismissals of things that make sense to be pissed and sad about (trauma, insults, shame) and seems to be implying they’re all the result of narcissism? Now I’m torn as fuck because 1. I’ve only been stable due to understanding and trying to recover from ADHD based on assuming that adhd exists. But 2. A lot of their observations and conclusions seem true? But also kind of toxic and weird? And I don’t want to just give up my only coping mechanism for forgiving myself for being tired all the time.

I dunno it reminds me of Slate Star Codex or old rationalist blogs or any of those kinda blogs that say stuff that includes technically true inputs and sometimes technically true outputs but uses the few correct conclusions to justify a lot of other really fucked up shit

I think by posting this I’m technically seeking approval (narcissist behavior) so I guess I’m one of those now lol

Linked is an example of one of the blog’s most disconcerting and confusing articles for me. I mean, in my opinion, spanking IS intrinsically wrong to do. Maybe less so with the yelling but that can cause permanent harm besides just the conditioning of the full context, too, like being scared of objects that were in the situation or feeling guilty about things that weren’t actually the thing you did wrong.

Also a lot of their differentiation between internal values and caring about what other people think feels like it’s either meant to be much less clear than it sounds or is just blatantly not a thing. The idea that people just don’t internalize others as real people with their own autonomous lives and existences is very implausible to me. I think there are people who don’t care or find ways NOT to care but…

Also I disagree with the idea that empathy is inherently more narcissistic than sympathy. Autistic people tend to try and empathize with people more than sympathize, and, well, TLA writes…

Of course you feel nothing. Why would you? – it’s not your loss. What’s wrong isn’t your lack of feeling, but that you think you have to feel something, that you have to tell this woman, remind this woman, how horrible is her loss. You think the only way to connect with people is to have their emotions. You think she wants to connect with you. You think she wants your help.

The problem isn’t your lack of feeling, it is that you think that unless you feel it’s not real. You forget that she has a life that doesn’t have you in it.


Edit: he has like a dozen articles that all seem to be taking positions on autism that are actually close to neurodivergence theories ahead of his time, countering directly what I just wrote before this. I have no idea what to think. This person is either delusional, a genius, shitposting, or really bad at communicating.

edit: they’re just a freudian hitlerite. move along.

  • DamarcusArt
    1 month ago

    Yeah, like I said, it is impossible to diagnose someone via a random blog post. I’ve dealt with some awful narcissists in my life so I tend to see it a lot, even when it isn’t there. It’s far more often just someone with an inflated ego than someone with an actual mental illness.