Get fidel’s picture off your profile dipshit, he would gat your ass

  • soumerd_retardataire
    1 month ago

    Oh, so nutomic is the asshole here ?

    I’d so wish that most people here were indeed bots, you all suck.

    What’s wrong with saying that western countries, capitalist-owned unless you think otherwise, are also at the forefront of the fight for l.g.b.t. rights internationally, isn’t that the truth ?
    He may be implying that our owners/capitalists don’t care about giving us more societal rights as long as they can keep stealing from us, and you’re destroying his reputation and calling him an asshole ?

    Has anyone here tried to list the oh-so-many proofs of his positions against transphobia ?
    Damn, it’s like these redditors insulting Linus Torvalds and destroying his reputation because he sent a (mildly )harsh email towards a coworker who made a mistake, and so many other examples.

    The bullied became the bullies, congrats.

    And ffs read dessalines’ posts as well, he’s posting daily and this guy is a f*cking walking encyclopedia, it’s amazing that it’s the same guy that made this website, don’t miss out on his posts/comments if you like to learn.