IDK, maybe when more people here are getting screwed over, libs will radicalize and get off their asses instead of trying to guilt us for not giving legitimacy unconditionally to their favorite “lesser evil” bourgeois party.

Of course, using their meager leverage to extract concessions from the people supposedly representing them never crosses their minds…

Also imagine having the audacity to call us privileged when you see what’s going on in Gaza as a “single issue” instead of an escalation of violence by the ruling class that can and will go back to us.

  • Amerikan Pharaoh
    2 months ago

    You have successfully impressed upon me that there’s nothing I can say

    Then what was the point of all this aggrieved bloviation? You know where I stand. If you really had nothing to say why the fuck are you still bending my ear? I am so, so fucking sick of this microaggressive finger-wagging bullshit out of you people when not one of you who has the gall to run your mouths has ever lived where we come from.

    This, however, is fully reactionary and, as one would expect from that, completely divorced from reason.

    And now that I’ve had time to really mull over the crackerish bullshit you’re talking, in what fucking world is it ‘divorced from reason’ to see a necessity for utter separation from one’s existential enemies; existential enemies who STILL exploit the subject-of-empire in every possible way they can, day in and day out, until the subject-of-empire is thoroughly violated and left in either a shallow grave, or up a metaphorical fuckin tree? You know nothing of the struggle, and are frankly naive if you really believe that there’s ANY kind of coming together to do with these crackers.

    One way or another, the debt will be paid. With or without your high-brow paternalist approval. Now fuck off.