Like seriously, cars are such an irrational system it is no wonder it never really works in practice. Every city that goes the car-centric route ends up as a inhabitable shithole where people cannot drive anyway and have to spend hours stuck in traffic or looking for parking.

I guess an argument could made for a responsible motorcycles, at least people could be carefull if they find themselves in similar danger to a pedestrian.

  • LightlyButteredToast
    1 year ago

    There is a sad cycle where I’m from where people like my mom, who is a good driver, buys larger SUVs every year because she is afraid of other, larger cars with worse drivers hitting hers’. Of course the real solution is creating the infrastructure for alternate modes of transport like you mentioned. (and probably a cultural shift in how we view transportation.)

    • coderadeM
      1 year ago

      Yeah, my parents are the same way. It’s an auto industry induced arms race to the largest car possible. I think a cultural shift is definitely necessary, and I think it’d be easier if the alternatives were already good. Unfortunately, it’s a chicken and egg problem of the alternatives don’t get funded because the culture doesn’t respect them, and the culture doesn’t respect them because the alternatives aren’t great