• Justice
    2 months ago


    I’ve been down that painful path before

    Over 10 years ago I was working at a remote site (read: middle of no where like a snake bites you and you’re gonna die) with a bunch of dudes. Everyone brought basically camping supplies to stay out for a week including a bunch of meat. Wieners. Brats. All the cock shaped meats. There was a fridge and showers at this middle of bumfuck place we would go to at the end of the day to sleep but besides that we spent 16 hours out roasting our asses doing work. Anyway, I had a pack of brats, asked the guys on my team if they wanted some, they both said yes, so I grilled them, then they were both like nah, we’re going to bed. I sat there and spitefully ate all 5 or 6 of those fuckers.

    I used to be so shredded back then too, so I could kinda do shit like that from time to time. Just gorge my inner fat ass. And then I got fat. So, I dunno, if you’re a ripped 24 year old, maybe do not eat the 5 brats? Maybe that’s the lesson here. Or if you’re anyone really. 🤷