Is this a victory for the Fr*nch working class?

  • SeeingRed [he/him]
    5 months ago

    The labour aristocracy is a real problem for any western nation. The need for the party to meaningfully oppose NATO and the ongoing french economic empire are at direct odds with the material conditions of a large portion of the working class. If they stop benefitting from super profits, then the material conditions will go down relatively speaking, if nothing else in the society changed. There would need to be a multi pronged approach so as to accomplish this goal while preserving conditions for the worst off in society (e.g. reducing the wealth share of the bourgeoisie, elimination of unnecessary wealth drains like advertising and NATO expenditure, etc.).

    This is not to say the contradiction is unsolvable, just that it is something that needs to be seriously contended with in any given western socialist movement. SD in the core will always need to rely on exploitation of the periphery unless they meaningfully and intentionally provide reparations and develop their own economy to assist in those reparations.

    Since I am not French or well versed in this particular left coalition, I don’t know if it has the teeth or the will to do this.