    1 month ago

    Every time i see some navel-gazing horseshit like this out of comfortable, overprivileged crackers like these, all I can think is that nah, fuck all the bullshit; Amerikans are absolutely acceptable collateral when shit pops off. Because it will pop off, and it will not be the left that gets it popping. We are going to have to fight a war that will be brought to us. We are going to have to bleed fascists dry; and it’s specifically because the bloated, overprivileged larvae of the professional managerial class, that expected to grow into nepobaby sinecurials, couldn’t be bothered to wake up, grow up, and realize that they’re ACTUALLY in the same slowly-boiling pot as all the rest of us.

    And half of them will sell us out when that time comes, to preserve the comfort and ‘peace’ that they put over everyone else’s agony. That they paper over the unpleasantries of their life with. They won’t even think about what happens to us after they make that call.

    Nah, they wanna talk about ‘they’re not acceptable collateral’? No. Every settler; every colonizer’s son, every colonizer’s daughter, is acceptable collateral. More than enough of my people have been lynched to justify it. These Amerikans have never been on any kind of motion that isn’t “making sure the treat dispenser is still running at the expense of ‘the minorities’ that they’d have a HEART ATTACK if they saw moving into their neighborhoods”. These are not my allies. These are not my comrades. These are not my countrymen.