Specifically, domestically produced ones. Remember that socialist Philippines will have the advantage of a better start than the USSR due to modern technology combined with increasing knowledge on how to use them. This will become important once we get into providing cheap source of computers for developing countries, speeding up other sectors, and especially national security. Hence I think that “The computer is man’s key to emancipation”.

My main argument is that we need computers in order to keep up with the rest of the world in terms of how fast data can be transferred allowing for faster transition from the flawed Deng system to a fully planned economy with the added benefit of being a cheap source for developing countries.

Now granted we would have to rebuild our civil war-ravaged industry with help from China, Cuba and Korea but that’s gonna pay off big time once we start getting silicon fabs that can produce chips in a large enough scale. Even for mundane shit like calculators, those cheap brick game toys you get at Walmart or whatever, that’s still good progress because those will be the foundation for more complex machines like phones, desktops, and hopefully video game consoles.

This isn’t to say we shouldn’t neglect other sectors. The stomach trumps the brain after all. If my memory serves me right, it’s possible to make silicon chips at home but requires an obscene amount of knowledge to make just one so we might need a complete total overhaul of our education system.