If the reddit exodus happens and Lemmy gets even 2% of reddit’s daily active users, how will Lemmy sustain the increased traffic? I know donations are an option, but I don’t think long term donations will be sustainable. Most users will never donate.

I know the goal of Lemmy isn’t to make money, but I know that servers and storage costs add up quickly. Not to mention the development costs.

I would love to hear the plans for how to offset those costs in the future?

  • 00111000
    6611 months ago

    The good news is we’ve seen this before with Mastodon.

    Not only did we see an influx of monthly donations, we saw admins expand the needs of their servers in real-time with the help of the community.

    After having witnessed that in the midst of the bird migration, I have no concerns with how Lemmy will handle the inevitable influx when it comes to uptime and finances.

    • @blackard@lemmy.ml
      611 months ago

      I immediately started contributing to Fosstodon’s Patreon and I will be happy to do the same here!