It’s not a word that can, or should be, “reclaimed”.

Dunking on chuds/libs/etc. is awesome, but it doesn’t need that specific framing.

  • porcupine
    4 months ago

    Good luck to you as you do the real work to fight fascism in the only way that matters: by immediately wishing death and prison at communists on the internet who encourage you to do the most basic self crit. I plainly didn’t suggest anyone advocated sexual assault. I plainly didn’t enter this thread espousing sympathy for whatever Nazis you think are being discussed in this thread about a child who was bullied to death.

    I’m genuinely sorry that you can’t see how quick you are to repeat abusive behavior that you were subjected to. If you looked past whatever liberal caricature who’s positions you’re defensively attributing to me, you’d see that I’m not saying any of this out of concern for whatever laundry list of hypothetical bad guys you’ve conjured up to justify your behavior: I’m saying it out of concern for you. It’s not news to anyone that we live in a rotten country. Fixing actual problems that affect real people’s lives requires taking organized collective action in real life, and that’s not easy to do. It’s much harder to do when internet-poisoned people show up to real life organizing spaces and immediately make marginalized and vulnerable people unsafe with threats and bad faith accusations of Nazi sympathy at the first difficult conversation. I’m not trying to “own” you. I’m not trying to win an internet fight. I’m trying to to help you avoid alienating everyone you need to work with in real life. Being toxic online is extremely easy, and it also doesn’t make anyone’s material conditions or mental health better, including yours.