• ejra212 [he/him/his]
    5 months ago

    Uggh. They go on about MAGA, but in my eyes, at least you know that Trump’SS a SStupid KKKunt , I mean what the fuck do they mean by “one issue?!?!?!?!?!?!” That “one issue” is Palestine, failure to protect queer and trans lives, failure to protect abortion for women and people who can get pregnant, funding UKKKrainian naziSS, more border KKKontrol, more KKKopSS being funded, more KKKop citieSS, and don’t even get me started on the allegations of Biden (how #metoo covered him up, that fucks me off.)

    In other words, there is two predator dictators running for the PreSSident of AmeriKKKa, but good ole’ liberalSS only care that there is one predator dictator and not both. Truly, they are hypocrites, and I’ll say what I mostly say:

    Death to AmeriKKKa, death to ISSn’trael, cursed be to the liberalSS, and victory to communism. amerikkkaisntraelfucking liberalscommunism-will-win