I created a repo on GitHub that has a table comparing all the known lemmy instances


When I joined lemmy, I had to join a few different instances before I realized that:

  1. Some instances didn’t allow you to create new communities
  2. Some instances were setup with an allowlist so that you couldn’t subscribe/participate with communities on (most) other instances
  3. Some instances disabled important features like downvotes
  4. Some instances have profanity filters or don’t allow NSFW content

I couldn’t find an easy way to see how each instance was configured, so I used lemmy-stats-crawler and GitHub actions to discover all the Lemmy Instances, query their API, and dump the information into a data table for quick at-a-glance comparison.

I hope this helps others with a smooth migration to lemmy. Enjoy :)

  • @honk@feddit.de
    11 months ago

    How do you check wether nsfw content is allowed?

    Because my instance (feddit.de) doesn‘t allow pornographic material. I guess that doesn‘t exclude all nsfw content. But the column header is called adult and it makes it seem like „adult content“ aka porn was allowed.

    *edit fixed typo

    • @maltfield@lemmy.mlOP
      511 months ago

      It doesn’t say porn, it says adult. The legend describes how it’s determined

      Adult “Yes” means there’s no profanity filters or blocking of NSFW content. “No” means that there are profanity filters or NSFW content is not allowed.